Not all Minnesota forms are created and approved by the MN Courts. This page provides links to additional Minnesota-specific forms:
Minnesota Tax Forms
Minnesota Child Support Guidelines Calculator
Delegation of Parental Authority
A Guide to Child Support/Spousal Maintenance Cost-of-Living Adjustments
Minnesota Birth Record Amendment Application (scroll down to get to the link “Birth Record Amendment Packet”)
Minnesota Voluntary Recognition of Parentage (ROP) form (to complete and file with the MN Dept of Human Services)
Application for Certified Copy of a Recognition of Parentage or other Paternity Form PDF (ROP already completed and already on file)
Minnesota Statutory Short Form Power of Attorney (includes a form for Revocation of a Power of Attorney)
Motor Vehicle Title
Minnesota DUI Request for Administrative Review (Implied Consent Revocation) PDF
Minnesota Uniform Conveyancing Blanks (use this link to get to a list of all available forms)
Postponement of Foreclosure Sale (Sheriff’s Sale) (FAQs and Affidavit of Postponement form)
Discharging a state court judgment after Bankruptcy
Minnesota forms – fee based
Miller-Davis Legal Forms